Institute Bcn

Hyaluronidase 1500 UI

Reveal Your Beauty with Medikal Doğruluk Estetik

The prof. hyaluronidase 1500 U.I. contains ingredients that act as diffuser agents in the elimination of water retention and adipocytes. It increases the permeability of the connective tissue and the absorption of fluids. 

Main characteristics & effects

Higher concentration of enzyme Hyaluronidase to increase more effective the action to break down fibrosis associated to cellulite and adding more strength to remove the retained liquid and reduce the adipocytes volume.

Additional information

Product category: Professional
Main ingredients: Hyaluronidase 1500 U.I.
Routine step: Treatment
Frequency: Every 2 - 3 weeks (approx. 6-10 sessions) Maintenance treatment: 1 session every 3 months
Treatment area: Face and body
Recommended: Water retention, adipocytes, lypolisis, break down fibrous connective tissue


Suggestion: Lipolysis

hyaluronidase 1500 U.I. - Amount applied: 1 vial
serum solution – Amount applied: 10cc

Dilute prof. hyaluronidase 1500 U.I. with 10cc of serum solution. It can be used on the body up to 20 cc per session.